Wednesday, February 27, 2013

February 26 - Lent, Day 14 - A Covenant Renewed

Scott Hahn, Lenten Journey, rainbows, covenants, Noah
July 1, 2012

"This is the sign of the covenant that I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all future generations: I have set my bow in the clouds over the earth, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth." Genesis 9:13

Who doesn't love a rainbow? Ever since I learned, many years ago, the secret of when a rainbow is likely to appear (late afternoon after a rainstorm has passed by), and where to find it (against a dark, eastern sky), I have been an avid rainbow hunter. This past summer, the summer of my return, no fewer than three rainbows appeared immediately following 5pm Mass, splashed boldly across the sky above State Beach - my route home. I suppose it would have been extremely ego-centric of me to have thought that they had been placed there by God specifically for me; his way of saying, "Welcome home. I'm so glad you're back." But that's exactly what I thought.

Then there was the time I was sitting at a stop sign next to a large corn field that was being irrigated by a rotating sprinkler system. It was late afternoon and as I waited to enter the highway, watching the enormous spray going around, I noticed that every time the spray hit a certain place in the rotation, a huge rainbow appeared, which made me realize that we are actually always surrounded by rainbows - God's covenant - just add water, like a cake mix.

Dr. Hahn's question for today: Noah knew how to prepare, and he knew how to let go. How can this Lent become a time of preparation for me? What can I let go of?

Preparation, building (arks and other creative projects), packing, and organizing - these things are all fairly easy for me. Not so easy is the letting go of old emotional baggage - past wounds, both inflicted upon me by others, as well as my own mistakes and regrets - things I wish I'd done or said differently; stupid things I've said or done that I know have hurt others that haunt me sometimes at 3am.

Lord, help me to let go of past mistakes, to know that I am forgiven by your grace; and help me to forgive past injuries by others - may I forgive as you forgive me. Please also help me to eliminate negative thinking and doubts - those times when I am certain that everyone hates me - all of which are self-inflicted, and self-crippling.

Scott Hahn, Lenten Journey, rainbows, covenants, Noah
July 1, 2012

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